5+ hours of video all about me? Yeah, no thanks.

I’m just reblogging this so that I can re-read it over and over and over.


Some YouTuber who goes by the name RazorBladeKandy has thus far dedicated more than 5 hours of his life to examining whether I am a lying, filthy whore who hates men and only wants them for money and sperm.

Guess I haven’t been obvious enough? I wish that were a joke, but it’s not. I have not watched the videos, nor do I have any plans to. What I did do was offer to talk to RBK and answer any questions he might have. I was planning on agreeing with everything he said, as a flummoxing technique to highlight the absurdity of his apparent arguments.

RBK:Is it true that you are a whore who fucks your husband so he will buy you things?


RBK:Is it true that you only value men for money?


RBK:Is it true that you think men should die in…

View original post 1,674 more words

Sorry, Doctor Palmatier. You’re Projecting.

Inspired by:

Going Mental Video: Strippers, Prostitutes, Sugarbabies, Porn Actors, Other Gold Diggers and Why You Shouldn’t Date Them

1. There is no such thing as a psychologically healthy sex worker. There just isn’t. Many of these relationships begin as rescue missions. “Oh, she’s had such a rough life. I’m going to love her and treat her well and we’ll live happily after.” No, no you won’t. Ask the other nice men and women who came before you.

No such thing? Really?

By all means, prior to embarking on a relationship with a sex worker or sexual adventurer, ask for references!

Not all sex workers require “rescuing”, Doctor. However, it is unlikely in your practice that you’ve encountered one at her very best, coming to see you for help. Besides, that’s not the client you’re gunning for now, is it?

In fact, some “rescuers” are sociopaths themselves. I know. I married one. He never stopped reminding me of my “inferiority” while he embezzled my hard-earned money (from technical writing in The Silicon Valley and investments).

Full disclosure: I am not a sex worker; however, many of my friends are and have been sex workers and some are even in happy, healthy, long term relationships! I am however a sexual pioneer and adventurer with admittedly a pretty tame lifestyle in the present—probably tamer than Dr. Palmatier’s. My sexual history is the reverse of that of the typical Western woman—I started out really strong and then faded into extreme selectivity. I am however not in the least bit ashamed of my past nor my peculiarly long list of sexual skills. I’m a connoisseur not a glutton. However I have tried it all. It was instrumental in my emancipation from my abusive family. I am a two-actor incest survivor. I know, I know, there’s no such thing as a psychologically healthy incest survivor. Poo. I’m also a former bisexual. I don’t talk much about why because I do not mean to use my incest history as a means to titillate.

I think it’s safe to say that a sex worker would be ill advised to come to Dr. Palmatier for professional help. Whereas a man who regularly finds himself victimized by female sex workers may indeed be helped by her. However, judging by her tone, I’m going to say that even not all men who fit in this category are going to be a good fit for her even if “the chemistry feels right”. For example, I would steer away from her a man who has had positive experiences in the fringes of sexual experimentation unless that sexual experimentation is somehow negatively impacting his life.

Strippers, prostitutes, sex workers, et al may indeed be problematic for most men. However, “most men” don’t get emotionally involved with them. Those who do, may be “unusual” themselves. I think of a sexually flexible woman with “a past” as a good partner for an advanced student of human nature with unusual experiences himself. I’ll even go so far as to say that a woman who is open about herself and her past is probably a better bet than one who hides her juicy past behind a mask of professional demeanor. I also have to wonder about one who instead of a mask of cool professionalism chooses a hip and fashionable hairdo, say, as a way of exuding “approachability” or “good times” to her “client” of choice.

Is there a pole in your office, Doctor Palmatier?

Psychiatrists, who are paid to be good listeners, to even “validate” and “encourage” behavior while critically examining destructive and self-destructive behavior, often have a hard time putting aside the professional mask for benefit of an intimate relationship. Learning whether such a person is behaving professionally or personally is not a job for the näive.

Men: Can you handle midnight phone calls from the suicidal “patient”? Can you handle those moments of angst when her attention is with her practice and not on you? How about the seemingly warm and intimate comment that “feels like” you are being analyzed? The pitfalls of a relationship with one in “the helping professions” deserve to be discussed!

A person who professionally counsels and has 50-minute weekly relationships with near strangers is in many ways akin to an actress or prostitute. Some sex workers are therapists. My guess is that Dr. Palmatier doesn’t actually avail herself of sexual surrogates, for instance; or if she does, her article pretty well kills that professional relationship.

There’s a general misconception held by many that psychiatrists are themselves of superior mental health and are otherwise more capable of intimate bonding and reciprocal relationships than other people; however, that’s not only not true but is a dangerous fallacy. Some people actually go into the profession for the purpose of healing themselves. Others have less than stellar motivations; however brilliant narcissists find their way into just about every prestigious profession.

Self-awareness and acceptance of uncomfortable feelings like shame is not guaranteed by the presence of letters after the name.

Are there crazy women in the alternative sexuality communities? Of course there are. I’d even go so far to say that most of them are off their rocker, narcissists, borderlines, and all sorts of personality disorders. However, one could easily say the same thing about women in general today. For example, there’s nothing particularly savory about the University of Virginia student known as “Jackie”. There is no 100% safe refuge from “crazy”.

However, zealots and bigots aren’t generally considered the Gold Standard of “sane” either. I’m disappointed in you, Dr. Palmatier.

Twist, Oliver Twist

I finally saw the movie Oliver recently. Why did it take me so long? I’ve always been averse to whatever the prevailing cultural trends might be and when a herd starts moving a particular way, I tend to go the opposite way.

When I was about seven, I was given a permission slip by my teacher to take home to my parents. It seems that we were going to go on a field trip for which I needed permission. The other kids were really excited about this field trip. Their excitement alarmed me. There was also something about the teacher’s tone which gave me a start and I asked:

“If I don’t get my parents’ permission, I don’t have to go?”

“That’s right.”

I therefore requested of my mother that she refrain from giving me permission. Surprisingly, she went along with this. It was not uncharacteristic of her to do what I asked even if the “why” was beyond her intellectual capability. Not wanting to do something was a notion I acquired early. It was almost as if I was inspired by the political tactic of “passive resistance.”

The first time I discovered the tactic was when I was even younger—about four. My father presented to my sister and me a challenge:

“If the two of you clean your room, you’ll get a surprise.”

My sister and I shared a room at the time. I decided that I didn’t want a surprise. In fact, “surprises” were a way of life in our household. I wanted fewer of them. I therefore refrained from cleaning “my side” of our bedroom. However, of course, the “surprise” was more to the benefit of my parents than me and therefore it came anyway; but since I hadn’t participated as the psychological exercise was supposed to induce, my sister was given the “surprise” and was instructed that after I cleaned my side of the room, she could “share” it with me.

The surprise was the amazing “Super Thing Maker” in which to manufacture “Creepy Crawlers”.

I’m sure there’s some not-so-deep psychological reason my father wanted to allow my sister and I to manufacture our own “surprises”. Meanwhile, I was the type of kid not allowed to watch horror movies at night because they would give me nightmares and this would interrupt my parents’ sleep. My mother wasn’t so keen on “surprises” either.

The real life horror movie of my life is something I’ve discussed elsewhere in this blog.

Back to Oliver. I spent that particular field trip day at home alone. Yeah! I didn’t have to go! Whereas other field trips I’ve experienced in my life, The Hershey’s Factory, The Museum of Natural History, The Wonder Bread Factory, Captain Kangaroo, Pixanne, were welcome in my childhood psyche. Oliver, for some reason, was not. I’m glad I waited.

Just for fun, I also recently saw the original movie, Oliver Twist. I liked it better in that it’s underlying message was more obvious. It laid out rather well the interplay between eugenics and feminism. Specifically, the movie was clearly pro-eugenics and anti-feminist albeit it was clear that sentiment toward the feminine was an obviously powerful political tool in which to affect social behavior.

The deaths of Oliver’s mother and Sykes’ girlfriend cause an immediate and obvious psychological reaction in the observers—the moviegoing audience or the wayward children, respectively. The emotional play-acting of Sykes’ girlfriend whether before the court clerk or the bystanders while kidnapping Oliver also induces social psychological reactions to her overt ends. The bonding experience of Oliver with his dying mother and then with the woman (his grandmother?) at his grandfather’s home are emotional moments in the movie, Oliver Twist.

I’m glad that I did not see Oliver as a child as the similarities between his life and my own would have been overwhelming. For one, I was essentially abandoned most of the time by my hysteric mother and placed inside a group that was not my own, namely school systems of which the majority of the children were not of my race or culture, such as it was. Although I did not have to worry about there not being enough food to eat, I was regularly subjected to crowd abuse of one kind and another of which I still have some physical and psychological scars. Meanwhile, it would seem that my only real advocate in the world was my maternal grandmother from whom I was usually separated given my mother didn’t think much of her. I think sometimes that had my mother died I could have been either put in her care or my paternal grandmother’s. The former would have likely make my life better and me into a better person whereas the latter would have likely scarred me for life in new and different ways. I say this even though both of my parents turned out to be narcissists which I attribute more to nurture than nature. By the time I came along, in my view, my maternal grandmother had reformed and therefore genuinely loved me and wanted to do right by me. How much of my mother’s narcissism can be attributed to her supposedly abusive childhood at the hands of her mother and how much can be attributed to The Depression and the power of movies and propaganda? I tend to put more strength on the latter influences. My mother, of course, disagrees.

Whereas in Oliver, and even more notably in Oliver Twist, the “bad guys” are largely Jewish, Irish, or some mixture. The “good guys” are WASPs. In my own personal drama, the “good guys” (my maternal grandparents) were Swiss/Scotch Irish/German Huguenots of albeit Protestant persuasion but somehow different from the hard Anglo and Franco-phillic WASPs on my father’s side—the “bad guys”. The “bad guys” were also Black girls and old white men and my sister. The “good guys” were Jewish girls and Black boys. That’s how it was for me in those days. That was my childhood.

In Oliver Twist, the characters of Mr. Bumble and Fagin are far more fleshed out. Mr. Bumble is clearly “Hen-pecked” and has a pithy line to that effect when he is considered responsible by law for the actions of his mercenary wife when there are many aspects of him I find sympathetic and sincere. As far as I can tell, the only females to be “oppressed” in this drama are Bill Sykes’ girlfriend and Oliver’s mother. Whereas boys clearly have it pretty rough all around, with some men having an easier life than others.

Mr. Bumble also makes the point that the reason for Oliver’s rebellion while apprenticed to the funeral director/coffin maker is due to his being fed meat rather than just gruel. Apparently, the eating of meat encourages rebelliousness (testosterone). This is no great secret, really. Vegetarians are more “herd-like” than carnivores. This is how it has always been.

It is clear that the Oliver Twist movie attempts to make the point that genetics confers character in that Oliver is so pleasant and well-mannered and of course good-looking (i.e., WASP-ish) even though he barely had a moment of bonding with his own mother. I do not disagree that some element of personality is inherited; however, I also contend that the effect of nutrition on genetic expression is generational. Specifically, a person fed a gruel diet will confer certain traits on a child that are not optimally expressed. According to Weston A. Price, DDS, it takes three generations to heal gene expression through means of optimal nutrition (mostly meat). Perhaps it also takes a mere three generations to corrupt character by means of substandard nutrition plus fear.

I disagree that certain races or blood lines are inherently morally corrupt except to say that generations of poor nutrition could indeed confer both moral and physical corruption. I also find it to be cruel to subject disparate young people to “multiculturalism,” or to otherwise force a child of relatively high moral character to bond with those whose historic, generational nutritional and cultural starvation is greater than his or her own. Essentially, this method “suppresses” children of higher moral and nutritional character, which, is not some sort of “justice” for the oppressed bloodlines but rather degrades everyone and further cements the oppression of everyone.

However, there is a sense of perverse “justice” when one miserable person brings another not-so-miserable person down to his or her level. This phenomenon is similar to the fear and resentment that Fagin and Sykes have for Oliver—above and beyond the self-interest of preserving their own livelihood. This resentment is clearer in Oliver Twist than in Oliver.

Fagin and Sykes therefore require that Oliver be degraded through the means of “fear” as Fagin explains to Sykes how Oliver can be recruited for con jobs. In Oliver Twist, Fagin is the more malevolent and conniving character whereas Sykes is merely a thug. His latter prominence in Oliver in my view is intended to fan Feminist fear of “male on female domestic violence”. In Oliver Twist, however, it is clear where the pressure originates—with Fagin.

Fear which stimulates cortisol will essentially undo the best in nutrition and genetics. Only culture can wholly confer cortisol resistance, which is why culture is being homogenized by our masters who desire a rebellion-proof utopia.

My Position on Vaccines

The following is my public response to a private inquiry on the subject of infant vaccines.

My biggest problems with vaccines have to do with the decreasing age recommendations for them. I’m also of the mind that Polio as a disease was already dying out prior to the introduction of the vaccine—the first vaccine—and therefore even that popular narrative is suspect.

I think that it is possible for a vaccine to assist in conferring immunity; however, there are so many problems and possibilities for interruption of this process or for other complications to arise that it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Most vaccination recommendations are supposedly based on statistical analysis to benefit the largest number of people, who, by definition, reside within the mean in terms of general health, habits, etc. However, that doesn’t say that greed and eugenics for example don’t play a part in those recommendations, and that the mean for health hasn’t been slipping gradually as the population at large becomes less healthy. Mainstream dietary recommendations contribute to this vulnerability. A “half plate” of fruits and vegetables does not make for a strong constitution. Neither does poverty.

When the human infant is born the intestines are not fully developed and neither of course is the brain. The Vagus nerve forms the interface between the two systems and its functionality is only barely understood by modern medicine. The immune system as a whole is also not fully formed. The infant should be receiving no food other than raw, fresh, warm human milk with all of its immune co-factors, that is, from a healthy, well-fed mother. The modern reality is that this system is probably somehow compromised. Women are being given the wrong advice in terms of what to eat and how to prepare their bodies to give birth.

When it comes to the intestine of an infant, it is important to understand that the membranes do not have much integrity yet. This means that anything that goes in the intestine can easily find its way into the bloodstream. A foreign protein will result in an immune response. Depending on the intensity of the response, this can actually halt the development of the intestine in such a way that it is permanently vulnerable to breach. The immune system response both damages the intestine itself as well as sets up a pattern for histamine reactions that can affect all sorts of systems and otherwise set up a pattern of food sensitivity and over-active immune response.

I am of the view that autism is primarily a result of this immune system overreaction which forms a feedback loop such that the more it is activated the worse the response. Those persons, such as Donna Gates, who have achieved autism reversal in patients do so with a highly restricted diet and other protocols to attempt to heal the intestine such that although it may always be compromised it isn’t causing the immune response in the brain which impairs the development of the myelin sheath of the nerves in the same way as the membranes of the intestine are impaired.

A compromised myelin sheath is similar to a compromised intestinal membrane in that it causes an immune response. There’s also the matter of unmanageable electrical impulses comparable to a frayed electrical cord which causes a defensive physiological (and psychological) reaction–that’s autism in my view.

When a foreign protein such as in a vaccine enters the bloodstream of an infant, the same problem occurs as when the foreign protein enters the bloodstream from the intestine. It permanently halts the development of the intestine causing an overactive immune response that sets up that infant for vulnerability to a host of reactions. At the low end of the spectrum would be gluten intolerance which is now at epidemic levels. At the high end it would be autism, particularly in males, in that testosterone has a role there that is not fully understood. Diabetes may also have a part here.

My recommendation with regard to vaccines in children is to wait as long as possible. I don’t think it is practical for most people to refuse vaccines only that all possible loopholes should be exercised. Furthermore, if possible, that vaccine should be obtained privately rather than publicly, that is, through a private physician rather than a government clinic. Just because something is free and government subsidized doesn’t mean that it is better. Meanwhile, that child should be getting a diet as close to healthy mother’s milk as possible, which means high fat and high cholesterol, and in a less that perfectly hygienic atmosphere which means that farm kids have a better chance than city kids. That will build up the intestine to be strong enough to withstand the onslaught of foreign proteins in the bloodstream while simultaneously developing the immune system to normal sensitivity rather than over-sensitivity levels.